19/12/2018 Back
HotShoe Magazine

Photo London-Capital of Culture through the lens of twelve photographers

“Photo London is the culmination of an exciting series of new work from photographers as diverse as Juergen Teller, Elaine Constantine, Dorothy Bohm, Martin Parr, Greg Williams, John Riddy, Gavin Fernandes and Leticia Valverdes. They were asked to produce a single image of contemporary London, to reflect the rich cultural diversity of the city through the wealth of its heritage, arts, sports, education and the everyday idiosyncrasies of London life. The Photographers’ Gallery has been working on this project in consultation with the Greater London Authority (GLA) for the launch of their new Cultural Strategy. The Gallery appointed twelve photographers from very diverse backgrounds, at different stages in their careers and with very different relationships to personally respond to London’s status as a world-class city of culture”.

Photo by Leticia Valverdes